iOrganize... Home of the Strategy Fairy
Practical and encouraging conversations for managing our homes and lives. Advice and articles on organizing so we can find everything we need, have more time, and weed out the unimportant things in our life. Each day we have the capacity to look at our surroundings and feel blessed, we can reach our dreams, and put behind us the burdens of our past. This is truly....Finding it Fabulous!
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Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Using Kolbe to Create Successful Teams!

by Joe Williams
"Conation is the executive function of brain, where you manage your actions and allocate your mental energy. Take charge!" –Kathy Kolbe
As most of you know, I'm a student and practitioner of leading teams that are making a difference at NASA. Any time I get the opportunity to add a new tool to my leadership repertoire, I take advantage of it. A few weeks ago I encountered a new perspective on how individuals and teams get things done, culminating in an insightful experience this week. Here, I'm talking about conation, the Kolbe model, and insights provided by Kathy Kolbe and Joan Koerber-Walker on building and leading teams.
A few months ago Joan posted an interview of Kathy Kolbe as part of her series on "People Making a Difference." (You can see it here.) I was intrigued by the insights offered by Kathy's views of conation (the "doing" part of the brain) and how it relates to the cognitive ( "thinking") and affective ("feeling") parts of the brain. The leadership model I've been using for the last few years is one centered around alignment, action, and result. I wondered: could conation be the well from which we determine our actions, that unites the alignment rooted in feeling and results rooted in thinking? To explore this for myself, I took the Kolbe A™ Index and from that discovered my own innate abilities. In the Kolbe language, this is one's M.O., and mine is 6-4-8-2. I read through the materials on what this meant (an "entrepreneur"), and with some help from Joan, gained some additional insights into what that meant; specifically, that my instinct is to lead with the third Kolbe Action Mode, "Quick Start" through improvisation, and back it up with the first, "Fact Finding" through explaining.
There was something fundamental here, something that I haven't gained from Myers Briggs, Strengths Finder, and DiSC. It was the sense of "yes, this is who I am" I got from the Kolbe A™ Index, as opposed to "yes, this is who I want to be" that I get from the others. There is a big difference between the two.
Moreover, the Kolbe model extends beyond that of the individual – with additional measures, it applies to teams as well. That definitely got my attention. Through Joan, we contacted Kathy Kolbe to conduct an assessment of my current team, so that they could get the same insights from the Kolbe A™ Index that I got on myself. Kathy Kolbe came to Houston, along with her son David Kolbe who is the company CEO, and conducted a learning and evaluation session of the team. Joan also attended to help moderate and share her experiences with Kolbe. Through the assessment, I gained some additional insights into the composition of the team through the identification of which Kolbe Action Modes the team initiates solutions, responds to the situation, and prevents problems. The big picture showed that this team was slightly skewed towards prevent problems and away from responding to the situation. This would require extra effort on my part as leader to help guide the team away from being resistive to new ideas as a means to prevent problems, and instead to embrace a little more responsiveness. The team also has some aspects of "conative cloning," specifically that the team was lacking in a drive to simplicity and an ability to adapt. Kathy provides suggestions on how to address these situations, ranging from actions of the leaders, how the leader might sub-divide the team into smaller units, or to bring in additional team members with the missing M.O.s onto the team.
The final point from this tremendously insightful week is an approach to building teams in the first place. A leader can use the Kolbe model to fill in missing pieces to the team, or even build a team from scratch by incorporating Kolbe assessments into the screening process. There is much more to learn here for me, and I intend on doing just that.
I encourage you to explore the Kolbe model yourself. Go to and read the material there. You can also contact Joan Koerber-Walker through the earlier link, and she can help you as well. Basically, if you are a leader seeking high performance teams, or are attempting to diagnose issues with teams not performing at peak effectiveness, give Kolbe a look. You may be amazed at the results.
As most of you know, I'm a student and practitioner of leading teams that are making a difference at NASA. Any time I get the opportunity to add a new tool to my leadership repertoire, I take advantage of it. A few weeks ago I encountered a new perspective on how individuals and teams get things done, culminating in an insightful experience this week. Here, I'm talking about conation, the Kolbe model, and insights provided by Kathy Kolbe and Joan Koerber-Walker on building and leading teams.
A few months ago Joan posted an interview of Kathy Kolbe as part of her series on "People Making a Difference." (You can see it here.) I was intrigued by the insights offered by Kathy's views of conation (the "doing" part of the brain) and how it relates to the cognitive ( "thinking") and affective ("feeling") parts of the brain. The leadership model I've been using for the last few years is one centered around alignment, action, and result. I wondered: could conation be the well from which we determine our actions, that unites the alignment rooted in feeling and results rooted in thinking? To explore this for myself, I took the Kolbe A™ Index and from that discovered my own innate abilities. In the Kolbe language, this is one's M.O., and mine is 6-4-8-2. I read through the materials on what this meant (an "entrepreneur"), and with some help from Joan, gained some additional insights into what that meant; specifically, that my instinct is to lead with the third Kolbe Action Mode, "Quick Start" through improvisation, and back it up with the first, "Fact Finding" through explaining.
There was something fundamental here, something that I haven't gained from Myers Briggs, Strengths Finder, and DiSC. It was the sense of "yes, this is who I am" I got from the Kolbe A™ Index, as opposed to "yes, this is who I want to be" that I get from the others. There is a big difference between the two.
Moreover, the Kolbe model extends beyond that of the individual – with additional measures, it applies to teams as well. That definitely got my attention. Through Joan, we contacted Kathy Kolbe to conduct an assessment of my current team, so that they could get the same insights from the Kolbe A™ Index that I got on myself. Kathy Kolbe came to Houston, along with her son David Kolbe who is the company CEO, and conducted a learning and evaluation session of the team. Joan also attended to help moderate and share her experiences with Kolbe. Through the assessment, I gained some additional insights into the composition of the team through the identification of which Kolbe Action Modes the team initiates solutions, responds to the situation, and prevents problems. The big picture showed that this team was slightly skewed towards prevent problems and away from responding to the situation. This would require extra effort on my part as leader to help guide the team away from being resistive to new ideas as a means to prevent problems, and instead to embrace a little more responsiveness. The team also has some aspects of "conative cloning," specifically that the team was lacking in a drive to simplicity and an ability to adapt. Kathy provides suggestions on how to address these situations, ranging from actions of the leaders, how the leader might sub-divide the team into smaller units, or to bring in additional team members with the missing M.O.s onto the team.
The final point from this tremendously insightful week is an approach to building teams in the first place. A leader can use the Kolbe model to fill in missing pieces to the team, or even build a team from scratch by incorporating Kolbe assessments into the screening process. There is much more to learn here for me, and I intend on doing just that.
I encourage you to explore the Kolbe model yourself. Go to and read the material there. You can also contact Joan Koerber-Walker through the earlier link, and she can help you as well. Basically, if you are a leader seeking high performance teams, or are attempting to diagnose issues with teams not performing at peak effectiveness, give Kolbe a look. You may be amazed at the results.
Myers Briggs,
organizational development,
Strengths Finder,
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Blog Ettiquete
Here is a link to "how not to comment" by Scary Mommy; the BEST!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Feel Like Quitting?
Secrets to Help You Keep Going When You Feel Like Quitting Attitude, the way you respond to life and all of its circumstances, is more important than anything. It is more important than the past, than struggle or success, than education or experience. It is more important than how much money you have, how much you owe, what you would like to do, or where you would like to go. While I have never actually experienced them in person, I've seen pictures of the cables leading to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. Those I know who have completed the climb tell me the final ascent up the sheer granite surface of that majestic landmass is by far the most challenging. The cables are there to make sure climbers reach the top safely. Once you begin the last leg of the journey and finally see the cables, you stand there, tilt your head to the sky, view the final hundred yards or so that lead to the top, and experience terror like you've never known. You realize you have no choice but to finish the trip. At that moment, you are more thankful than you could ever imagine for the cables that will become the guardrails you need to pull yourself to the top, not only for a spectacular view, but also for the feeling of accomplishment. The secret for how to keep going when you feel like quitting is to erect "cables" in our lives ahead of time, before we need them, so that when we face difficult days and situations the help we need to make it to the top will be there waiting to protect us from our own fears and self-defeating attitudes. One way to erect cables for your financial circumstances is to memorize a list of all the reasons you will not give in to debt. Drill the reasons into your mind so deeply that you could repeat them in your sleep. That will give you those cables to hang on to when you feel weak and vulnerable. Here are some examples: 1. I don't choose debt because it presumes unfairly on my future. 2. It is wrong for me to spend money I do not have. 3. There is always a way out; I will not stop until I find it. 4. When I step out in faith, I unleash God's power in my life. 5. I trust even when I do not understand. 6. I do the right thing even when I don't feel like it. 7. This credit-card company doesn't really care about me the way this letter indicates; they are looking for a new sucker. Once you have these truths planted deeply in your heart and mind, you will be able to call on them for strength in moments when you feel weak. You'll have the strength you need to crash through the quitting point and you'll be back on track in no time! ©Copyright 2010 Mary Hunt Everyday Cheapskate is a Registered Trademark |
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Great Household Tips from Moms to Moms...
Everyday Cheapskate |
Good Tips Jog the Memory
My favorite tips submitted by readers are the ones that are not only useful, but also entertaining. Today’s first tip made me laugh as I imagined the tipster looking high and low for her car keys, failing to remember for a moment that she’d put them into the refrigerator. It occurs to me that the refrigerator, at work or home, makes for a great “key keeper.” It’s just quirky enough that it might work to prevent the problem of the lost keys.
NEVER FORGET. To save time after work when I need only a few items, I go to the grocery store on my lunch hour. I put the groceries into the refrigerator at work. So I don’t forget to take them home, I put my car keys into the bag with the groceries. Forgetting to grab the groceries is no problem, since my keys are with them. Diane, Oregon
CLEVER NUT. To chop nuts, measure the amount to be chopped into a small plastic bag and seal or fold over one end, leaving just a small corner for air to escape. Pound the nuts in the bag on a cutting board with a wooden or metal meat tenderizer. This saves time and eliminates clean up because you just pour the nuts into the recipe and throw away the bag!Sally P., Ohio
BACON SECRET. To keep your bacon from shrinking when you fry it, roll it in flour and place it in a nonstick skillet. Fry over low heat. You will be amazed how the bacon will keep its shape and size as it cooks. Sue C., West Virginia
BANANA JAM. Instead of throwing bananas out once they turn brown, I slice them into a small casserole dish, sprinkle them with one or two tablespoons of lemon juice, dot with a few tablespoons of butter, add two or three tablespoons of brown sugar and a handful each of chocolate chips and marshmallows. I cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake it for about 20 minutes, stirring half way through. Served in dessert cups with a dollop of whipped cream, my kids think this is a delicious treat! Amanda P., e-mail
CRACKER SAVER. If you open packages of crackers and find they have gone stale, just spread them on a cookie sheet and pop them into the oven on broil. Watch them carefully for a few minutes, and when they start to turn a little brown they are crisp again, perfect for eating. Diane, e-mail
©Copyright 2010 Mary Hunt
Everyday Cheapskate is a Registered Trademark
My favorite tips submitted by readers are the ones that are not only useful, but also entertaining. Today’s first tip made me laugh as I imagined the tipster looking high and low for her car keys, failing to remember for a moment that she’d put them into the refrigerator. It occurs to me that the refrigerator, at work or home, makes for a great “key keeper.” It’s just quirky enough that it might work to prevent the problem of the lost keys.
NEVER FORGET. To save time after work when I need only a few items, I go to the grocery store on my lunch hour. I put the groceries into the refrigerator at work. So I don’t forget to take them home, I put my car keys into the bag with the groceries. Forgetting to grab the groceries is no problem, since my keys are with them. Diane, Oregon
CLEVER NUT. To chop nuts, measure the amount to be chopped into a small plastic bag and seal or fold over one end, leaving just a small corner for air to escape. Pound the nuts in the bag on a cutting board with a wooden or metal meat tenderizer. This saves time and eliminates clean up because you just pour the nuts into the recipe and throw away the bag!Sally P., Ohio
BACON SECRET. To keep your bacon from shrinking when you fry it, roll it in flour and place it in a nonstick skillet. Fry over low heat. You will be amazed how the bacon will keep its shape and size as it cooks. Sue C., West Virginia
BANANA JAM. Instead of throwing bananas out once they turn brown, I slice them into a small casserole dish, sprinkle them with one or two tablespoons of lemon juice, dot with a few tablespoons of butter, add two or three tablespoons of brown sugar and a handful each of chocolate chips and marshmallows. I cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake it for about 20 minutes, stirring half way through. Served in dessert cups with a dollop of whipped cream, my kids think this is a delicious treat! Amanda P., e-mail
CRACKER SAVER. If you open packages of crackers and find they have gone stale, just spread them on a cookie sheet and pop them into the oven on broil. Watch them carefully for a few minutes, and when they start to turn a little brown they are crisp again, perfect for eating. Diane, e-mail
©Copyright 2010 Mary Hunt
Everyday Cheapskate is a Registered Trademark
Friday, January 29, 2010
Helping Kids Succeed
I am certified in the unique process of Kolbe. This amazing education allows me have insight into individuals, helping them understand how they are created and further how to best succeed at being themselves. Kathy Kolbe defines success as the freedom to be oneself! I have included the Kolbe website for your further exploration, I am also available to answer any questions or offer assistance.
With our kids, even from the very youngest age, we Moms want to provide them with the tools they need to be successful at anything they do; whether this be learning to pick up their own toys or speak in public, we want to empower them to problem solve, have an inner confidence, and to be able to handle life as it comes at them.
There is a great advantage to life when we truly understand how we were created and our individual MO's (modus operandi). This knowledge helps us willingly enter life's situations that will propel us in a positive direction and will also help us avoid those situations that only bring us frustration. Giving our kids the experience of these truths strengthens their ability to make good choices and sharpens their problem solving skills, these are invaluable tools for their life-long "Tool Kit".
As a parent, having this insight also helps immensely with those "what's wrong with my child?" moments that we all have when they don't don't act (or react) the way we think they should. I find I have much more grace towards my kids because I believe that I understand them and various struggles they encounter. On the other hand I can also direct my accountability of them to specific areas that are of concern. It helps keep our focus on their life as a whole journey, not get caught up in the moments of crisis and to stay the course of what we believe to be God's plan for each of our kids.
I encourage every family to invite the Kolbe Wisdom into their lives and experience the true freedom that it brings and to help our kids succeed!
With our kids, even from the very youngest age, we Moms want to provide them with the tools they need to be successful at anything they do; whether this be learning to pick up their own toys or speak in public, we want to empower them to problem solve, have an inner confidence, and to be able to handle life as it comes at them.
There is a great advantage to life when we truly understand how we were created and our individual MO's (modus operandi). This knowledge helps us willingly enter life's situations that will propel us in a positive direction and will also help us avoid those situations that only bring us frustration. Giving our kids the experience of these truths strengthens their ability to make good choices and sharpens their problem solving skills, these are invaluable tools for their life-long "Tool Kit".
As a parent, having this insight also helps immensely with those "what's wrong with my child?" moments that we all have when they don't don't act (or react) the way we think they should. I find I have much more grace towards my kids because I believe that I understand them and various struggles they encounter. On the other hand I can also direct my accountability of them to specific areas that are of concern. It helps keep our focus on their life as a whole journey, not get caught up in the moments of crisis and to stay the course of what we believe to be God's plan for each of our kids.
I encourage every family to invite the Kolbe Wisdom into their lives and experience the true freedom that it brings and to help our kids succeed!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Cutting the Grocery bill, storing up the good stuff and getting what you want!
Sounds like a tall order but is it really possible? YES! I do it every week, but not without effort and planning. I will share my method of weekly grocery shopping in hopes of giving you a few tips to add to your "Tool Box".
One of the funnest things I have done is help friends find ways to save money on their grocery bills, it is instant gratification and dare I say it, like a little pat on the back! You can actually measure your success through savings.
STEP 1: Adjust your attitude! Most of us plan our menu by what we want to make that week then hit the stores. If this is you, I suggest you make a list of what you want to make and be flexible to change it, you will see what I mean later. Or make your menus according to what is on sale. You have to be willing to accept the challenge of providing great meals with the least amount of money.... it is a challenge. I like challenges :) Also, be prepared to wait for some items until they go on sale, it's worth it. Stores rotate their major sale items about every 3 months or so, chances are that everyday priced item that you think you need will be on sale soon, you will be prepared with a coupon, and you can even store up!
STEP 2: Prepare your list of "wants" (top sirloin, chicken breasts, etc...) and weekly items (butter, eggs, etc...) And hit the Sunday paper, cut out only the coupons that you will actually use!! With a Sharpie mark the coupon flyer (Red Plum, Smart Source) with the date received and keep if you want to go back and look for something you think you missed, otherwise toss it. Also, flip through the paper looking for random coupons, they're in there! Take out all store flyers that you frequent and set aside.
* I have a Coupon Bin that all my supplies are in for easy access and to reduce clutter.
STEP 3: File coupons in accordion file made for couponing or check receipts. 12 pockets works for me (baking, beverages, breakfast, box/canned, dairy, frozen, household, other, refrigerated, snacks, personal products). My craftsy daughter decorated mine.
STEP 4: Read all store flyers that apply to you and compare the sale items, and couponed items, to any on your list. For me whatever store has the most items conveniently on sale for me, wins my business that week. Do not get excited about any fun sale items you don't need, they should not direct your shopping trip. The basic items a family needs are sometimes where stores make their money, they know we all need these things, so they try to lurer us with sale items we may not need.... giving them twice the amount of our money. Don't do it. Get to understand your store's language, does 10 for $10 really mean I have to buy 10 of them to get that price? Most of the time no, get to know their gimmicks and promotions.
STEP 5: With your store selected, make your shopping list if you haven't already done so, complete with this week's menu items, any basic needs, check the calendar for any events coming up this week, etc. Pull coupons that apply to items on your list and place in either front of coupon holder or separate envelope. See if you can't improvise some things on your list for sale items (here is the flexible part I eluded to). Instead of top sirloin ( reg. price $12.99), could you make london broil (sale price $4.99 per pound) because that is on sale, instead of chicken breasts (reg. price $5.99 per lb), could you purchase a whole fryer (on sale for $1.99 per lb) and spend a few minutes with a knife, etc... Also, some sale items might be great "stock up" items such as cereal, soap, mac and cheese, etc. When I find mac and cheese on sale for $.77 a box and have a coupon for $1.00 of 2 boxes, yah, I am all over that one! I just spent $.44 on 2 boxes, which in all honesty I don't regularly buy it so, I can be happy with the purchase. If you want to sign up, there are many online coupon providers too;,, are just a few, with some research, you can almost find anything has a coupon.
PRICE TRACKING: If you have an iPod, download a grocery app. I use Grocery IQ, I know there are others out there to assist in electronic lists. They also have electronic coupons and price tracking so you can track what stores have the best prices on items, however this can be done in a small notebook as well. Price tracking gives you a threshold of what you are willing to spend on an item, knowing it's price when on sale. You will become very savvy on prices and be less willing to shell out your cash for everyday prices. The number that you want to concentrate on is the Per Unit number, this is the one that determines if you are getting more or less for the same size/amount/volume of an item. Also, if you want, you can start tracking the sale items rotation (again, usually every 12 weeks) at your favorite store and include that information in your tracker.
CARD LOADING: This is an automatic coupon deducted from your total when you swipe your registered Store Card, you can find these through your store's online site,, are a few. It's free money and no clipping.
STEP 6: With list in hand (electronic or paper) head to the store, don't forget your coupons, store flyer and bags. Sure we all want to go "green", but some stores provide as much as $.50 back to you per bag, now you are making money! Shop the perimeter of the store first, filling your cart with what usually turns out to be the needs (lettuce, milk, onions, etc.) this gives you less room for unexpected items. Shop from your list, along the way compare prices to see if there isn't an unadvertised lower price on something sitting right next to it. Just because something is on sale does not mean it is the best deal. For example if Bumblee Tuna is advertised on sale 2/ $6.00 and Starkist Tuna is priced at $ 2.50, plus I have a coupon for $.40 off, Starkist wins and I saved $1.40. Be checking and be flexible.
THE "STORE": I made a Store in my garage for stock-pile items, the items on sale that I wanted to take advantage of, usually chips, soda, laundry soap, things that will store well if not used immediately. Because my family is so darn picky about stuff they eat, I find that stock-piling does wonders for my budget. I love to host too so, I am always conscious of items that I may need, even weeks in advance - before they inflate the prices like at Thanksgiving or Football season. These items are made off-limits to my darling family so my efforts do not disappear too quickly :) On a side note, taking advantage of super sale items also allows me to have donation items available for those that need it, why keep your treasure all to yourself!
STEP 7: If an sale item is out, get a rain check. Keep watch at the register, often busy cashiers do not care about your personal challenge to spend less as much as you do, so just be ready to catch something that may have been missed. And the fun part - reading the receipt! Look at the savings, review your receipt each time seeing where you can make improvements and you will see the percentage of savings getting higher, while the Total Spent is going down! Personal success!
Make any notes in your tracker that will be helpful for next week's trip.
One of the funnest things I have done is help friends find ways to save money on their grocery bills, it is instant gratification and dare I say it, like a little pat on the back! You can actually measure your success through savings.
STEP 1: Adjust your attitude! Most of us plan our menu by what we want to make that week then hit the stores. If this is you, I suggest you make a list of what you want to make and be flexible to change it, you will see what I mean later. Or make your menus according to what is on sale. You have to be willing to accept the challenge of providing great meals with the least amount of money.... it is a challenge. I like challenges :) Also, be prepared to wait for some items until they go on sale, it's worth it. Stores rotate their major sale items about every 3 months or so, chances are that everyday priced item that you think you need will be on sale soon, you will be prepared with a coupon, and you can even store up!
STEP 2: Prepare your list of "wants" (top sirloin, chicken breasts, etc...) and weekly items (butter, eggs, etc...) And hit the Sunday paper, cut out only the coupons that you will actually use!! With a Sharpie mark the coupon flyer (Red Plum, Smart Source) with the date received and keep if you want to go back and look for something you think you missed, otherwise toss it. Also, flip through the paper looking for random coupons, they're in there! Take out all store flyers that you frequent and set aside.
* I have a Coupon Bin that all my supplies are in for easy access and to reduce clutter.
STEP 3: File coupons in accordion file made for couponing or check receipts. 12 pockets works for me (baking, beverages, breakfast, box/canned, dairy, frozen, household, other, refrigerated, snacks, personal products). My craftsy daughter decorated mine.
STEP 4: Read all store flyers that apply to you and compare the sale items, and couponed items, to any on your list. For me whatever store has the most items conveniently on sale for me, wins my business that week. Do not get excited about any fun sale items you don't need, they should not direct your shopping trip. The basic items a family needs are sometimes where stores make their money, they know we all need these things, so they try to lurer us with sale items we may not need.... giving them twice the amount of our money. Don't do it. Get to understand your store's language, does 10 for $10 really mean I have to buy 10 of them to get that price? Most of the time no, get to know their gimmicks and promotions.
STEP 5: With your store selected, make your shopping list if you haven't already done so, complete with this week's menu items, any basic needs, check the calendar for any events coming up this week, etc. Pull coupons that apply to items on your list and place in either front of coupon holder or separate envelope. See if you can't improvise some things on your list for sale items (here is the flexible part I eluded to). Instead of top sirloin ( reg. price $12.99), could you make london broil (sale price $4.99 per pound) because that is on sale, instead of chicken breasts (reg. price $5.99 per lb), could you purchase a whole fryer (on sale for $1.99 per lb) and spend a few minutes with a knife, etc... Also, some sale items might be great "stock up" items such as cereal, soap, mac and cheese, etc. When I find mac and cheese on sale for $.77 a box and have a coupon for $1.00 of 2 boxes, yah, I am all over that one! I just spent $.44 on 2 boxes, which in all honesty I don't regularly buy it so, I can be happy with the purchase. If you want to sign up, there are many online coupon providers too;,, are just a few, with some research, you can almost find anything has a coupon.
PRICE TRACKING: If you have an iPod, download a grocery app. I use Grocery IQ, I know there are others out there to assist in electronic lists. They also have electronic coupons and price tracking so you can track what stores have the best prices on items, however this can be done in a small notebook as well. Price tracking gives you a threshold of what you are willing to spend on an item, knowing it's price when on sale. You will become very savvy on prices and be less willing to shell out your cash for everyday prices. The number that you want to concentrate on is the Per Unit number, this is the one that determines if you are getting more or less for the same size/amount/volume of an item. Also, if you want, you can start tracking the sale items rotation (again, usually every 12 weeks) at your favorite store and include that information in your tracker.
CARD LOADING: This is an automatic coupon deducted from your total when you swipe your registered Store Card, you can find these through your store's online site,, are a few. It's free money and no clipping.
STEP 6: With list in hand (electronic or paper) head to the store, don't forget your coupons, store flyer and bags. Sure we all want to go "green", but some stores provide as much as $.50 back to you per bag, now you are making money! Shop the perimeter of the store first, filling your cart with what usually turns out to be the needs (lettuce, milk, onions, etc.) this gives you less room for unexpected items. Shop from your list, along the way compare prices to see if there isn't an unadvertised lower price on something sitting right next to it. Just because something is on sale does not mean it is the best deal. For example if Bumblee Tuna is advertised on sale 2/ $6.00 and Starkist Tuna is priced at $ 2.50, plus I have a coupon for $.40 off, Starkist wins and I saved $1.40. Be checking and be flexible.
THE "STORE": I made a Store in my garage for stock-pile items, the items on sale that I wanted to take advantage of, usually chips, soda, laundry soap, things that will store well if not used immediately. Because my family is so darn picky about stuff they eat, I find that stock-piling does wonders for my budget. I love to host too so, I am always conscious of items that I may need, even weeks in advance - before they inflate the prices like at Thanksgiving or Football season. These items are made off-limits to my darling family so my efforts do not disappear too quickly :) On a side note, taking advantage of super sale items also allows me to have donation items available for those that need it, why keep your treasure all to yourself!
STEP 7: If an sale item is out, get a rain check. Keep watch at the register, often busy cashiers do not care about your personal challenge to spend less as much as you do, so just be ready to catch something that may have been missed. And the fun part - reading the receipt! Look at the savings, review your receipt each time seeing where you can make improvements and you will see the percentage of savings getting higher, while the Total Spent is going down! Personal success!
Make any notes in your tracker that will be helpful for next week's trip.
- I am not an expert, this is only the information that I have learned (sometimes the hard way) and I pass it on.
- Selecting more simple recipes and fresh produce in season has helped me stay on task, in this economy I have resigned that now is not my time to experiment with expensive and hard to obtain ingredients.
- I do sometimes shop at 3 or more stores in a month, getting what I want. We eat organically, as much as financially possible so, I really have to search for good deals and often stock pile meats on sale. I have to be very flexible and have learned to be prudent in the volume I purchase, lest it go to waste.
- The highest percentage on a store receipt I have saved to date if 83% and I am thinking about framing it.
- I am not a fan of "pay for membership" grocery sites, because I believe they loose their value quickly and become just an expense. There is a free site that seems productive, and I am sure there are others.
- I do not formally recommend any website or store.
- I do not do everything I listed, I have at one time, but I have tweaked my own personal system so I manage this area but am not enslaved to it. You will have to do the same which is why I wrote everything down.... now, you know what I know.
- I love food-making it, eating it! God, who created me knows this and He has not let me down in my desire to provide healthy, satisfying and fun meals for my family and He has made this fun. He has been the most awesome guide in my search of "how do I do that, with only this?" I give Him the Glory and look ahead to next week with anticipation for His next miracle.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Seasonal Produce for Weekly Menu Planning
While you are preplanning your shopping list and menu items, take into consideration the local seasonal produce available. Buying seasonal produce is often cheaper and fresher, as it doesn't have as far to travel. Supporting your local growers is a great way to help the community! Here is the produce for January.
Time Management Myths - ParentDish
Here is a great article by Kathy Peel : Time Management Myths - ParentDish
Precious Family Recipes
One of the most precious gifts I was ever given was a family cookbook. Now, my kids are nowhere near the age of getting married, but it's never too early to think about some special things in their future. While organizing my loose-leaf recipe pages, you know the ones you tear out of magazines because they look so good but you never get around to making them? Yah, those. I put the ones that I REALLY am going to make into my Recipe binder, which was bursting at the seems with old favorites, family heirlooms, and
those yet untried; it was too many!
I purchased a new binder just for those family favorites, ones that have a story behind them or have been passed down and covered them with sheet protectors. Now, I can also record the origins and special notes as I cook these family recipes in preparation for one day passing them on to my kids for their own "Family Heritage Cookbook", what a precious gift!
One advantage to clearing these out of the old recipe binder, was I made more room to store those recipes I have yet to explore and discovered many that I put on this week's menu with a renewed commitment to test the untested, maybe there is a future "Family Fav" yet to be discovered!
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